Enriching soils, increasing farm productivity & profitability, and sequestering carbon with autonomous robots that inter-seed cover crops in row-crop fields

EarthSense’s autonomous, AI-powered robots help farmers around the world fight labor shortages and regenerate their lands.

EarthSense’s robotically planting provide a unique solution for cover cropping with minimum costs and maximal performance on soil carbon sequestration and sustainable biofuels production.

In the US, we are working with farmers in the Mid-West and Mid-South through the iCOVER project funded by USDA’s Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program.

iCOVER is led by University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, with key partners including Tuskegee University, ADM, Corteva, and Indigo Ag.

Sign up for cover crop planting and incentive payments on your fields for the 2024 field season -